The Importance of Video in 2017

If you’re not creating video, why not? In 2017, there are fewer tools more important to your business.

Many small businesses are afraid of video for various reasons.

  • Technical complications: the need for gear, learning how to edit, etc
  • Don’t like to be on camera: enough said
  • Time: creating video does take up a chunk of time, from planning, to shooting to editing.

I feel you! I, personally, have just started a new project, and my project is a cooking show on YouTube. My ultimate goal? To get my own cooking show on TV, but in the mean time, I’m using YouTube as a training ground. It would help me out immensely if you subscribed to my channel. Thanks so much!

perfection is the enemy of progress

I think one of the things we struggle with as business owners is the desire to be perfect. We don’t want to put that video out there unless it’s exactly right. The problem is, we can’t get things exactly right until we make a bunch of mistakes (and hopefully learn from them). Perfection is the enemy of progress, a smart dude once said.

So, even if you are scared, even if you are feeling like your stuff isn’t great, I wanna encourage you to do it anyway. Because putting something out there that isn’t perfect is better than putting nothing out there at all.

What’s the importance of video in 2017? It’s everything, that’s what.

Take a look at some of the stats on today’s Infograpic:

  • With an active monthly user base of nearly 2 Billion, Facebook, of course, wins all the cheese. But because of Facebook’s algorithm, video is super important–it is given highest priority. And Live Video is given an even higher priority (watchers watch live video up to 3 times longer than regular video). Just remember: the vast majority that’s been watched on FB is watched on silent, so be sure to use an app like Clips that creates closed captions as you speak. If you’re doing videos on YouTube, here are 3 ways to create closed captions.
  • It’s projected that video will account for nearly 75% of all internet traffic this year! That’s huge! By 2019, that number is projected to rise to 80%. If you’re not making video, you’re missing out.
  • And don’t forget: at least half of all video is being viewed on a mobile device. Make sure your content is mobile friendly.


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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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