How Artists are Using Social Media

Here in Vancouver, there’s  a local gal who is an actor and a social media enthusiast, called Monica Hamburg. While our paths have not crossed at auditions (that I know of), they have crossed on Twitter.  A while back, she posted a survey on her blog, Me Like the Interweb, to see how and why artists are using Social Media.

It’s fascinating. From the introduction, in which Monica talks about a favorite subject of mine, nicheing:

Innovative and ambitious artists are choosing to carve out their niche, realizing that although there are many artists out there, someone with true talent, drive, determination, and the will to learn can find their place, find their fans, and hopefully a way to make their work successful (in whatever way that is measurable to them).

You can read the entire post here.

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

Comments 1

  1. Hi Rebecca,

    Thanks so much for the shout-out!

    Technically, btw, I’m a social media (consultant, speaker etc.) and do acting only occasionally now 🙂

    I’ll be posting some more soon – and I appreciate being on your radar. Hope to meet you irl soon 🙂

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