How to Bulk Upload Tweets: Create Twitter Content for a Month in Minutes

Today, I’m sharing with you a secret method that I use to help run my business: bulk upload tweets.

So, I’m a busy girl. I teach classes in social media, I have a kid, I run a business (or 4). But despite all of that, it’s really important to me that I always have content on my twitter feed, and especially important that I have content on my feed that is driving traffic back to my sites.

Content on your website or blog that is still useful and relevant 3 months or 3 years after you wrote it is called evergreen content, and you can use it to your advantage. Just because it’s an old blog post doesn’t mean it can’t still be relevant and useful!

Bulk Upload Tweets

I use a variety of methods to make sure I always have tweets on my feed (@rebeccacoleman). But the one I use to make sure I have tweets on my feed that lead my followers to my evergreen content is by using the bulk uploader on either Hootsuite or Agorapulse. (Agorapulse has the advantage because it allows you to upload the same tweet multiple times, whereas Hootsuite will not).

The method for doing this is the same, though the templates are slightly different.

There are a couple of other tools you need for this as well. One is Microsoft Excel. The other is a calendar.

I’m assuming you probably have Excel already, because, I mean…. it’s the industry standard. I can’t imagine trying to run my business without Word, Excel and PowerPoint, I literally use them on a daily basis to make my business run (and am working on a future post about just that).

Here’s how to bulk upload tweets:



Agorapulse Bulk Tweets Template

Hootsuite bulk upload tweets template


Hopper HQ (for sourcing notable dates)

Microsoft Office Suite 

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

Comments 6

  1. Great post and I am sure a lot of people will benefit from this one! I do get quite a bit of traffic from Goodreads and I usually post my reviews round about the same time as well. I use Hootsuite to preschedule my tweets. So yes, I”m putting them in manually but I put them in to post later on when I”m not around. Although I”m all for automating and everything, I do love to add my own personality/personal elements to things so prescheduling is the way I go!

  2. Hi Donna and Lilach, This post comes at a great time for me. I”ve been working with Buffer and Hootsuite and while they do help with scheduling, I”ve been getting quite a few messages that my posts are not going out because of duplication. I alter them when I schedule them but I guess I”m not altering enough and I need to upgrade. I didn”t want to upgrade until I was sure which one worked the best for me. Agorapulse and MeetEdgar, are new to me. I”ll have to check them out. Thank you for the detailed information. Monna Ellithorpe recently posted.. Dance in the Darkness

    1. Hi, so I don’t know who Donna and Lilach are?? I’m Rebecca and I write 100% of the content on this site.
      Just FYI, I have Hootsuite Pro (which I’m assuming is what you mean when you say “upgrade” and it still doesn’t allow you to post two tweets that are the same on your spreadsheet. Agorapulse does. I don’t know if MeetEdgar allows for bulk uploads. I am quite familiar with it, but I’ve not used it as a tool.

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