What happens when Social Media and Visual Arts collide?

Twitter/Art + Social Media, that’s what.

From April 1- May 1, 2010, the Diane Farris Gallery will be presenting an exhibition called Twitter/Art + Social Media, an exhibition of work by artists who use social media for the inspiration, production or presentation of their work. How cool is this??

From the Diane Farris blog:

Since 1984, Diane Farris Gallery has been known for finding and establishing new talent. In the year 2010, the gallery recognizes the strong role played by social media in the production and/or promotion of artwork. We are particularly interested in how social media is affecting the practice of artists who use it to share feedback on their artwork, to promote their artwork, to organize shows or to produce artwork collaboratively.

Social media may include websites, blogging, instant messenger, rss feeds, social bookmarking, Facebook, Blogger, Flickr, MySpace, deviantART, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Skype and podcasts. Artwork may include painting, drawing, photography, printmaking and three-dimensional work as well as computer-based art, video and performance formats.

Submissions are currently open, but only until Feb 24. Click here for submission guidlelines.

(with special thanks to Lili De Carvalho)

UPDATE, FEB 19: Submission deadline date has been extended to March 5.

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

Comments 7

  1. I think it’s hilarious that they are mounting a show of social media based art and then have the nerve to take 50%. Most of the people who use social media to promote their art do it so that they don’t have to pay the 50% commission to galleries.
    I think it’s an interesting idea, but I hope they find a better way to support artists in the future.

  2. Hi Rebecca,
    I was feeling a bit bad about my comment about the social media art show, but then I realized that the Diane Farris Gallery has not allowed comments on their blog for this event (how anti-social). So I’ve decided that my comment above is valid.

    I don’t mean any harm, cheers.

  3. I’m going to forward these comments to my contact at Diane Farris. This is the first time they’ve done this, so I think they may be open to suggestion, but I also don’t know what their business model is and how it fits.
    I think a 50/50 split is pretty standard in the gallery world. Sometimes is may be a little less, like 40/60, but the gallery is taking on the cost of doing business, and that needs to be covered. Also, you have to think that your painting may be seen by a new or wider audience that normal, and there is a certain prestige by saying that you showed at a major gallery.
    If I were an artist, I would go for it.

  4. Hi, Kirsten, We will open the blog for comments as soon as the submissions process ends. We have been answering any comments, suggestions and questions through the email we published on the submissions page (as we did with yours). While – as Rebecca pointed out- this show follows a completely different format from our regular shows the artists will receive the standard 50% of sales. As you probably know, most shows outside the commercial gallery circuit, will ask for a fee either to submit works or tho rent space. I appreciate your comments and hope to see you, if not as a submitting artist, as a guest at our opening in April.
    Lili Vieira de Carvalho, curator of the Twitter/Art+Social Media show.

  5. Thanks for opening up the discussion. Yes I am aware of the gallery-artist relationship. I would like to mention that some galleries pay artists to show their work. CARFAC has information about which galleries pay artists (rather than artists having to pay) so if there are any visual artists reading this, they may want to check out:

    Best wishes

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