How to add a “Review” Tab to your FB Page

If you are an artist with a fan page, you may wish to add a “Review” tab to your page. This allows the people who buy your CD, come to your show, or attend your exhibition to write their own reviews of your work.

1. In order for this to work, you need to have a page, not a group.

2. Go to this link for the Review application.

3. Like the application, and then click “Add to My Page” which is directly beneath the applications’ profile pic.

4. A window will pop up with a list of all of the pages you administrate, choose the page you want to add the review tab to.

5. Go back to your page.

6. The Review tab should now be in your tabs. However, if you have a lot of tabs, it might be quite far down, where no one can see it. You should be able to drag and drop it into a more prominent position.

7. Invite people to visit your page and review your work!

In our world, where sites that allow every day people to write reviews are getting more and more popular (think Yelp!), this can be a really powerful tool. And for us in the arts, in the face of cutbacks at newspapers that in the past have reviewed our work, I think it has really great potential to help us connect with our audience.

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

Comments 7

  1. […] Rebecca Coleman on picking up the tab Okay, you have a Facebook page. (Not a group, it has to be a page for this to work.) Why not add a tab specifically for reviews? Open it up for your audience to post their reactions in more than 140-character bites–and play fair, don’t just keep the good ones. This can help build trust between you and your audiences by engaging and soliciting their input. It might also encourage people who stumble upon your page to give your next show a try. Rebecca shows you how to do this step-by-step. And then she shows you how to post an events calendar to your WordPress blog, just because. […]

  2. Rebecca, Facebook has changed since you wrote this post. Do you have an updated post I can read? When I go into my fanpage, I go to “edit page” then App’s.. once here I cannot find a search box to search “review app.” This link you have given in this post is no longer available.

    Thanks for your help. Cherie

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