It’s an Honour Just to be Nominated

I was doing something on my computer a couple of weeks back, and I heard a ding that means someone has sent me a direct message or an @ reply on Twitter. I checked it out, and found this tweet:

I had no idea what this was about, so I surfed over to the website.

I’m doing my YouTube 101 workshop at Social Media Camp Victoria on June 4. This year, #SMCV11 has created the Social Media Awards, and they were looking for nominations from the #SoMed community in the following categories:

I was super shocked to discover I’d been nominated for three awards: Most Inspiring Social Media User, Best Blog, and Most Likely to Become a Social Media Celebrity.

I don’t even know who nominated me (except for Susan–thanks!), but wow, was I bowled over.

The process is now in its second stage, where the nominations have been closed, but you can now vote, on a daily basis, for your favorites. The voting phase closes on Monday, May 23rd at 5pm. The top five in each category will go on to the final round, and the winner be chosen from a jury of our peers.

I love being a blogger. And I love being a part of this #SoMed community. I am really passionate about Social Media. I love that it is always new and changing–it challenges me on a daily basis, and I need that. I’ve had jobs where I went into the office every day and did the same thing, day after day, but my current work is never like that. It’s always something new every day.

Being a blogger for the last 3 or 4 years has also reignited my love of writing. Before I discovered the theatre, writing was my primary creative outlet, and blogging has brought about a writing renaissance in my life.

I guess what I’m saying is, I don’t do what I do for recognition and award nominations. But it sure is nice for my work to be noticed–it’s an honour just to be nominated.

So I went to the park yesterday and made this little video:

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

Comments 3

  1. I’m going through my archives but I can’t find a post about whether or not you won… I know what you mean about being thrilled just to be nominated. That’s exactly how I felt about my Leo Nom. this year 🙂

    I hope you did win. Your blog is awesome/helpful/insightful etc. etc. 🙂

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