Installing Apps on Your Facebook Page

In many, many ways, Timeline is a huge improvement over Facebook’s last UI. It’s easier to navigate, makes it easier to find things from your past, and I like the Highlighting and Pinning Posts options.

There is one thing that Timeline does not do as well, however, and that is apps. In the last incarnation of Facebook, they were called Tabs, because they existed in a row down the side of your page in your left-hand, main menu. With Timeline, they are all moved up to the top of the page, and only a maximum of 4 can be seen above the fold.

Additionally, it was easier to install them before. In your back end, you’d click on Apps, and it would show you the apps that came already installed on your page. But if you scrolled down to the bottom, it would allow you to search for more apps to add. This feature is now gone, and it’s a lot harder to install apps. You have to know exactly what you’re looking for, as browsing is difficult.

You can do it, though, and this video shows you how. The specific example I use in this video is how to install a Pinterest app on your page. You can even create a custom icon for your app, so that you can brand it to the look and feel of your page or website.

Check it out:

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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