Understanding Facebook’s Algorithm: New Skillshare Course

If you are a business owner or a content producer, or you manage a Facebook page for a business, it’s imperative that you understand how the Facebook’s Algorithm works.

You may not be aware of this, but at this moment, Facebook only shows about 6-10% of your content to your audience at any given time. That’s 6-10% of the people who have liked your page, and signed up to receive your updates! They’re your fans, and yet you only have access to a small percentage of them.

Understanding Facebook's Algorithm

This is because of the Facebook’s Algorithm. It was introduced a few years ago, in a attempt to allow us to see less spam in our newsfeeds. But the result has been that we see less content overall, including from the pages that we like and subscribe to.

There are two ways that we as content producers can get around the Facebook algorithm. The first is to pay Facebook through boosts and ads. The second is to get a clear understanding of wha the algorithm is all about, and work with it to create the kind of content that performs well.

Enter my new Skillshare course: Understanding Facebook’s Algorithm

Okay, let’s talk about Skillshare for a sec. It’s an online learning platform–the idea is that you pay a low monthly fee and you have access to all the courses on there. A veritable buffet of knowledge, so to speak.

So, I’m already a teacher. I teach classes all over the lower mainland, and it’s a job I love to do. But I am only one person, and there’s only so much of me to go around. So I am experimenting with this platform as a way to explore a source of passive income. I will no doubt let you know about my experiences and my honest opinions in a future blog post.

Here’s the deal: you use this link to sign up, you’ll get 2 months for free (full disclosure: affiliate link), and you can check my course out and so many more!

Understanding Facebook’s Algorithm is a short, simple course designed for:

  • Facebook Page Managers
  • Business owners
  • Influencers

In it, you will learn:

  • How Facebook’s Algorithm works
  • What is the best time of day to post to your page
  • What is the best kind of content to post to your page
  • How you can learn from your analytics to post content that will perform well

I’d love for you to take it and then let me know your thoughts!

Thanks for your support!

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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