LinkedIn: New Robust Profiles

LinkedIn is really stepping it up this year. In the summer, they announced a whole new look to the site–a cleaner, sleeker, more modern LinkedIn. Then they added endorsements.

Now, they’ve created new user profiles. Again, the profiles are sleeker, cleaner, and more modern-looking.

Click here to see my entire LinkedIn profile.

What’s new? Well, they’ve taken away some features, like I can no longer stream my WordPress blog’s RSS feed, and supposedly they were also getting rid of the SlideShare plugin, but it still seems to be active on mine.

They’ve added some cool new features, though. You can now add boxes for languages, honours and awards, test scores, and publications, as well as volunteer work (which is great for those who are new to the job market), courses (which is great if you just take a workshop or a one-off course, as opposed to going for a diploma or a degree), patents and certifications.

Another thing I’m really digging about the new profiles is that they allow your recommendations to accompany your work experience. In each separate section where I have my jobs listed, there is now accompanying recommendations. Which is, as far as I’m concerned, exactly where they belong.

LinkedIn is now much more media-friendly. You can now add links to images, documents, videos or presentations that are related to that particular job.

All in all, nicely done. If you want to get the new LinkedIn profile, click here, although I was under the understanding it was going live to everyone as of Dec 11. Once you’ve converted over, you’ll want to spend some time going through it and making sure everything looks good. You’ll also want to move sections around to reflect your strengths up front.

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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