Wanna Go Viral? Post Kittens or Bacon [Infographic]

Happy Wednesday!

I have a very light-hearted infographic for you today.

This guy gets it.
This guy gets it.

There are about a million websites on the internet with guys who are trying to sell you the formula to make your post or YouTube video go viral. The truth is, there is no formula. I liken it to Hollywood Blockbusters: there’s a formula, right? Big star, love story, big explosions, fast cars, memorable catchphrases. But even a film that ticks all those boxes in not guaranteed to be a hit. There’s an untappable element–a kind of magic–which you cannot predict.

For me, that magical element to making your blog post or video go viral is an emotional hook. You need to make your audience laugh, or cry, or incite anger.

Or. You could just put kittens and bacon in it. A quick search on Instagram returns over 8 Million results for “Cats,” and a search for “Bacon”? 1 Million.



One last, light-hearted thing to share with you today:


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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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