New Series: Using Social Media to Build Your Personal Brand

A couple weeks ago, I finished up a 12-week blog series about how to monetize your blog.

I loved having a blog series. It was incredibly motivating, and I learned so much! As soon as I was done, I wanted to start another one. So I started thinking about projects I have on the go. I’ve been thinking a lot about the topic of personal branding these days. I’m giving two workshops on it next week!

Over the next few weeks, I’d like to do another weekly series of blog posts that are based around exploring, defining and seeking to build your personal brand via social media. 

Why would you want to do that? 

Opportunities. Jobs, gigs, book deals, television shows, workshops, keynotes, travel, research, cool collaborative projects. Things you maybe haven’t even dreamt of yet.

Here’s what I’d like to cover: 

  • Defining what Personal Brand is–what are the components that make up your personal brand?
  • Defining what your Personal Brand is.
  • Defining your key or target demographic.
  • Looking at all the different social media, and determining which ones are best for your brand. Where should you concentrate your energy?
  • Creating goals for moving forward and defining what success looks like to you.
  • Creating a action plan to move forward towards your goals.

Wanna join me? Sign up here.

Oh, yeah, I wanna learn how to maximize my personal brand!

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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