So, You Wanna Be a Blogger?

Really exciting news!

I’ve now been teaching at BCIT for three years. I started with just one course, and now I’m teaching three. But I love teaching, and I thought it might be fun to see what else the market might support.

So, I’m starting a WordPress class.


Even thought I’ve been blogging for 6 years, it’s been kind of a personal journey. It’s only been over the last year that I’ve really started to take my blog to the next level, in terms of monetization and other opportunities. I still have lots to learn, but if you’ve been thinking about starting up a blog, this course would be a great way to make the leap.

I’m doing it as an intensive over two Sundays. The course is 12 hours long, and is worth one credit. There are four parts:

  1. Looking at ideas for your blog and narrowing down your niche
  2. The technical part of actually getting a WordPress blog up and running
  3. Ethics, inspiration, and marketing your new blog
  4. Monetization and looking to the future.

Basically, you’ll walk in the door with an idea, and walk out the door with a fully-functioning WordPress blog and clear plan for the future!

I’ll be offering the class both as a face-to-face and also online.

My spring classes (MKTG 1550, Social Media Marketing for Business) are also currently available. They are 12 weeks long, worth three credits, and you walk out the door knowing how to create a social media marketing plan for a business. This is a very popular course, which is offered, again, both online and face-to-face, and it usually sells out, as I don’t teach in the summer, so it won’t be offered again until September.

I’d love it if you could attend either or both! For more information, click:

MKTG 1088: WordPress and Niche Market Blogging 

MKTG 1550: Social Media Marketing for Business

I could also use your help: if you are not interested in taking a class like this, but just need some 1-1 assistance with your blog, would you be interested in hiring me as a coach or consultant? Let me know in the poll!


[yop_poll id=”1″]



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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

Comments 2

  1. Good for you ! I hope this goes really well for you. WP is a great CMS and allows people who had no clue about web basics be able tp manage a website/blog. We build a ton in wordpress and have always had very positive feedback in the ease of use. Good luck!

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