How To Get Your Blog Post Shared 1,000 Times [Infographic]

It’s Wednesday, and I haven’t posted an infographic in a couple of weeks, but I have a killer one for you today. I just found this infographic called “How To Get Your Blog Post Shared 1,000 Times,” by Ian Cleary over at Razor Social, and I just had to share.

There are some really great tips in here!

For example:

  • Create a numbered list out of your headline, and your blog post immediately becomes twice a shareable.
  • If you’re using WordPress, make sure you’ve enabled sharing buttons on each post. If your blog is WP-hosted, you’ll find them at Dashboard–>Settings–>Sharing. If your blog is self-hosted, DiggDigg is a popular sharing bar that you can install via plugin.
  • Make sure your post is SEO optimized, using a plugin like Yoast.
  • Share the post to all your networks: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. Make sure you have a pinnable image in the body of your blog post so that it can be shared to Pinterest.
  • Schedule it to go out again a few more times on Twitter, using Buffer or Hootsuite.


Infographic: Get Your Blog Post Shared 1,000 Times


Infographic courtesy of Razor Social.

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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