20 Tips for Your Facebook Business Page

Earlier this week on my Art of the Biz Facebook page (if you haven’t already, give a gal a “like?”), I asked a question. Now, I had two reasons for doing this. First off, I genuinely wanted to know some information from my readers. But I had a hidden agenda: I know that asking questions on my FB page encourages people to make comments. And likes, comments and shares drive up FB’s views.

On this particular post, I got a bunch of likes and 10 or so comments. In all, more than 500 people saw that post. That’s four to five times more than the average post gets.

You see, when it comes to Facebook, just having “likes” is not enough, especially with Facebook’s algorithm. You could have 10,000 people that “like” your page, but unless you are getting likes, comments and shares on the individual posts, your post views will go down, down, down…

When you create a post like the one I did this week, you’ll find that any posts you put up after that one for a while will have a higher than normal view rate. That’s just how the FB algorithm works.

There are tons of great tips in today’s infographic. I love that it discourages automation, and encourages visual content. Also, like my experiment this week, it encourages you to ask questions.

You’ll want to pin or bookmark this one to refer to later!


Infographic courtesy of Lyubcho.

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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