Best Times to Post to Social Media (2015)

I‘m usually a little leery about sharing these types of infographics. I mean, they are a kind of one-size-fits-all thing, and when it comes to social media, one size definitely does NOT fit all.

For example, if you have clients in other countries, like Europe, it could really pay for you to post to FB at 4 am, when they are starting their day.

Before you take anything at face value, you should mine your own data and Insights and analytics and see what’s the best day of the week and the best time of day for you to post.

However, this infographic could be a handy tool to guide your experiment. Try posting during the times that they say are the best, and then track it. Do you, in fact, get more likes or more views or more engagement during those times? If so, keep doing it!

I’ve posted these kinds of infographics before, but it’s been a while, and I felt like it was time to post one for the new year. I think this one is quite well done, and well researched, so give it whirl!

Here are best times to post to social media:

What Are The Best Times to Post on Social Media
Courtesy of: Quick Sprout
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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

Comments 4

  1. Here,Very nice info-graphic explanation is given about best times to post to social media. Timing is also important to posting for getting more likes, more engagement, more views and timings is being taken into consideration and you had individually given all the sites description in info-graphic very perfectly.So thank you for this good article!

  2. Awesome Infographic Rebecca! For social media, timing matters a lot. As per a recent survey if you’re taking care of timing while updating post on social than you can win a half battle. Many say posting content between 1 to 4 PM is getting more likes, more views, more engagement, etc. But its depend on your audience so understanding persona of audience is important. Here you had explained everything in detail that will definitely help to marketer and business owner.

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