Using Social Media for Customer Service [Podcast]

I’d like to introduce y’all to my friend Russel. While we’d followed each other a while on Twitter, I met @RussLoL IRL a few years back at Social Media Camp, where we were both giving presentations.

Russel has a really cool job working for the government, that involves a high level of customer service using social media. He’s also a BCIT Broadcasting grad, and he loves to do podcasts.

He recently started a new one called The Upsell. The Upsell is all about helping its listeners improve their businesses and personal interactions by adding compassion and humanity to gain trust and to build long lasting relationships with their customers.

I was eager to be a guest on Russel’s show, as I see a lot of bad examples of businesses using social media for customer service. And I feel like using social media for customer service is becoming bigger and bigger all the time–I would argue, in fact, that using Twitter for customer service is even outstripping the use of the phone.

Have a listen to my conversation with Russel. We talk about:

  • what are the basics of using social media for customer service
  • should you even be on social media if you can’t provide good customer service there?
  • some Level 2 social media customer service ninja moves
  • examples of good and bad customer service via social media

Check it out!

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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