The future is foggy.

I blame September. And the 3,000 kilometers I drove solo last month.

I don’t very often write these kinds of posts, where I talk about my life, but occasionally, I feel compelled to.

I am, weirdly, for someone who lives a very public life, actually pretty private. I’ve never been one of those bloggers that shares the intimate details of her life. I have loads of respect for those people, don’t get me wrong. But I’m not brave enough to do it.

My focus has always been on giving information and supplying value, and I don’t thing that’s a bad thing.

But I honestly have no idea what’s coming next.

Photo Credit: Cristiano de Assis. via Compfight cc

Every few years, something comes over me. It’s a need to change, to make changes, to reinvent myself. Not entirely, of course, the core of who I am remains, but I like to change it up, look for new challenges, new mountains to climb.

And over the past month or so, I have been going through that process again. It started with a road trip to California with my son. He’s 13, and doesn’t drive, obviously, so I drove every one of those 3,000 kilometers myself. And that’s a lot of time to think.

I thought a lot about my life and my business and where it’s at right now. I’m having an amazing year. I’m getting more freelance writing work, I signed a book deal, and I am more in demand than ever as a public speaker.

But there were also things happening in my business that weren’t making me happy. Things that were causing me a lot of stress and anxiety, and somewhere in Oregon, I decided it was time to simplify and make some changes.

The scary thing about these particular kinds of changes is that it also leads to loss of income. And I was in the middle of an expensive trip, that was mostly going on my credit card (for practical reasons). Yikes! There were a lot of debates in my head. Like I should find something new to supplement the income I was losing before I walked away from it. Or I should suck it up and just stick with it.

mo willems

But at the end of the day, I couldn’t. So here I am.

I need to finish my book in the next few weeks, and today I start teaching again (yay!!), but beyond that, I’m really unsure what my next step is.

I’m not panicking, though. Yet. 😉

You see, the thing is, I’ve been through this process enough times to know that I’ll be fine. I always have been fine, and this time I will be, too. I just need to keep calm and have some faith that it will all “come out in the wash” as my mom used to say.

I’m getting some help, too. I’ll be doing some coaching with a good friend to try to figure out what my focus is and where I want to go next. I’m also working on a blog post about a system my friend has invented to help you get clear about your focus and priorities.

So there you go. Now we’re all caught up. Are any of you feeling like you need to make a shift and change and start over? Let me know in the comments below.




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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

Comments 3

  1. 100% in the same place. Not sure if it’s age, but I too am at a point where I want to shake the tree a bit. Try and shake off some of the dead leaves that aren’t serving me anymore. But it’s scary and confusing. And I’m a pleaser—although I know I’ll be ok, it’s hard when I know I might be letting others down by changing course.

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