Twitter Changes Implemented as of Sept 19

Well, Twitter announced it back in May, but it’s finally rolling out.

Poor Twitter. It’s been a rough couple of years. Beleaguered by Instagram, newer media like Snapchat, and the giant that is Facebook, Twitter is beginning to feel more and more old fashioned all the time.

Whenever I start teaching classes (which I did this past week), I always ask my students what their current social media faves are. This time around, it was overwhelmingly Instagram and Snapchat, with some Facebook thrown in. Only one or two even mentioned Twitter.

In an attempt to become relevant again, Twitter announced last spring that they would be lifting some of the restrictions upon the 140-character limit. Those changes go into effect on Monday.

Image by Penguin Strategies

Things that will no longer count towards your 140 characters include:

  • Media (photos, videos, animated gifs)
  • @mentions in conversations; and furthermore, you no longer need to use the dot at the beginning of your tweet if you are starting it with an @mention.

For a full rundown of the changes click here.

These changes may take some time to roll out, but we should see some changes immediately starting on Sept 19.



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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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