Agorapulse Vs. Hootsuite

Well, hello there.

That was a long and much-needed break. If you want to see what I was up to over the summer, check out my Cooking by Laptop YouTube Channel.

One of the things I did was visit Paris. Interestingly, today’s post is about a new social media management tool whose headquarters are in Paris. I didn’t actually get there while I was in Paris, because, honestly, I was on vacation, and that felt a little too much like work…

Having said that, I’ve been using this tool, Agorapulse, for a couple of months now.

agorapulse vs hootsuite

If you know me at all, you’ll know I’m a Hootsuite girl. I’ve used the tool for quite some time, and I like supporting a local business. But it’s not perfect, and I’ve been using Agorapulse to pick up some of that slack.

More about the comparison of the two tools in a sec, but first, let’s talk about evergreen content.

If you’re a blogger like me, you probably have scads of content. I have thousands of blog posts spread across 3 different blogs, and much of that material is what we call evergreen. That just means that it’s not expired or outdated. For example, over on my food blog, any recipes about pumpkins or apples, even if they were written several years ago, are still viable and shareable today. I could easily go back through my archives and schedule tweets about those posts, and they’d be as relevant as ever, given the time of the year.

Re-sharing older, evergreen content is a great way to drive traffic back to your blog. It takes some of the pressure off of having to have tons of new content. Sure, create your new content as many times per week as you like, but you can fill in the gaps with evergreen content so that you have daily tweets pointing people back to your blog.

I do this in two ways:

Scheduling new content: I tweet something out upon publication. Then I schedule tweets for 1 pm the following day and 8 pm the day after that. I then schedule two more tweets: one for a week from publication, and another one at some randomly-chosen time in between. The tweet then goes into a spreadsheet which I use for the future (see next).

Scheduling evergreen content: I have an excel spreadsheet that I collect my tweets in (including hashtags and links). I then recycle these spreadsheets (I have a few of them to choose from so they aren’t repeating the same content each month) month over month, two tweets a day, through the bulk uploader feature in Hootsuite.

So every day, I have at least one tweet pointing back to my website(s), sometimes more than one.

Hootsuite, while it works fine for this, isn’t as streamlined as it could be, and that’s where I’m loving Agorapulse’s features.

I made you a video. Check it out:



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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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