You know I’m anti-auto-posting. I hate that stuff. I unfollow and unsubscribe to people all the time because I hate it so much. Still. In principle, it can make our lives easier. On the day I’m writing this post, I […]
You know I’m anti-auto-posting. I hate that stuff. I unfollow and unsubscribe to people all the time because I hate it so much. Still. In principle, it can make our lives easier. On the day I’m writing this post, I […]
On February 14, I went to an event called Valentine’s for Strangers at The Irish Heather. It was put on by the lovely and talented Jorge Amigo, whose rise to fame in this town become somewhat meteoric after he wrote […]
If you are blogging already, or you are considering starting a blog, I’d encourage you to get a blog reader account and start following some blogs. For me, my greatest inspiration for my own blog is other people’s blogs. I’ll […]
My love affair of with Joseph Gordon-Levitt began a couple of months back. Sure, we’ve all seen him in Third Rock from the Sun, and he’s hosted Saturday Night Live and done lots of cool stuff. But then he released […]
Last year, I wrote a post about Facebook introducing the Subscribe Feature. This particular post was focused on subscribing to people who were NOT your friends. It basically is a really cool way to follow people on Facebook that would […]
Last week, I got this email from Jo Ledingham, the theatre critic at The Vancouver Courier: As a freelance theatre critic, I reviewed more than a hundred local theatre productions on the pages of The Courier last year. However, due […]
Oh, gentle reader, what a long journey we have been on together. On September 27, 2009, I wrote my very first blog post on The Art of the Business. I had been guest-posting on Simon Ogden’s The Next Stage blog […]
Okay, so you know how I’m always harping on about what a powerful marketing tool video is? I’m doing some work these days for a new kid’s art school that’s opening up in the Burnaby Hastings area. It’s called Artspace, […]
I dunno about you, but I’ve been super frustrated lately when I’ve tried to tag other people’s pages on Facebook pages that I administrate. Why would you want to tag other pages on your page? Well, it’s a great way […]
Yesterday, I bought a new pair of shoes. That, in and of itself, is not much of a shocker. I don’t even bother to try to hide my shoe obsession. What I did, however, after buying the shoes, may interest […]