The Power of ‘No’!

Is it too early for New Year’s Resolutions? One of mine is to learn to say “No.” More often. Better. To that end, I offer you a week’s worth of “No’s” in the form of guest posts. First up, Dr. […]

$100 in free Google PPC Ads

Ever wanted to experiment with Google’s Pay-Per-Click ads, but been too scared to try? Here’s your chance. Until December 31, you can access $100 in free advertising to try out Google AdWords. If you’re not familiar with Google’s AdWords feature, […]


There’s a new social network on the block. The brainchild of Chris Hughes, one of the founders of that social network you may have heard of, Facebook, Hughes says he wants Jumo to “do for charities what Yelp did for […]

Facebook Updates

You may notice that Facebook has rolled out yet another redesign: this time on your profile. In addition, Facebook has made a bunch of changes over the past few months, so I thought I’d do a post summing them all […]

RIP–David French

I originally posted this on January 14, 2010, almost a year ago. I just found out today that David French has died. He has long been one of my favorite playwrights, partly because we share a cultural heritage. Mr. French […]