
This was sent to me by John Paul Fischbach, who hosted my recent trip to Australia, and I wanted to share it with you. File it under “You’ve been duly warned.” From The Nest: National Theatre’s Twitter Screw Up–What We […]

9000 Km in 4 days

The travelling Social Media show has hit the road! We left Melbourne at noon on Sunday, and flew into the Gold Coast of Australia, Surfer’s Paradise, to be exact. Let me tell you, they don’t call it Paradise for nothing. […]

I Heart Melbourne

I’ve been doing a lot of traveling this summer. It started with going to the Okanagan Film Festival at the end of July, then a trip down the Oregon coast to the Napa Valley in August, and now to Australia. […]

The First Workshop

Talk about hitting the ground running. I mean, I knew I would, but I think I was maybe not quite prepared for the pace of the last couple of days. What I love about it, though, is that I feel […]

Barking Spiders

Last night, I attended a fundraiser for Black Hole Theatre at a local Melbourne theatre, La Mama. It’s a teeny, tiny, ancient black-box theatre. The patrons there were joking about how, if you drilled into the walls, you could tell […]