Facebook Livestream

Live streaming video has been super hot for the last 6 months. With the introduction and subsequent popularity of Meercat and Periscope, the world has pretty much fallen in love with live-streams. You can even do multiple-player live streams, with […]

Snapchat for Marketing [Part 1]

Snapchat. Currently at 200 Million active monthly users worldwide, it’s one of the most popular and quickly-growing networks out there. It’s also one of the most confounding. I’ve been on Snapchat for ages–a couple of years at least. Launched in […]

Is Blogging Dead?

Yikes. I hope not. I just started teaching a blogging class this week, so let’s just say I have something personal at stake here. But it’s more than that. I love blogging. Again, it’s personal. I feel like writing is […]