Do You Need Professional Help?
If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!A loaded question, hey? 😉 I may be biased putting up a post like this. After all, I do make a living as an arts […]
If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!A loaded question, hey? 😉 I may be biased putting up a post like this. After all, I do make a living as an arts […]
I got a last-minute request on Monday to do an interview with a local radio station about Social Shopping. I’ve been learning quite a bit about these services lately, so I thought I’d pass some of that information on to […]
There is a common myth out there we only use 10% of our brains. While this myth may have been debated for many years amongst scientists, Kevin Knebl is pretty sure that most people are only using 10% of what […]
I love my FlipCam. In my business, it is my #3 tool, my MacBook and my IPhone being #1 and #2. I use it all the time to record b-roll footage, interviews, and other general silliness. I’ve even written a […]
You should always follow back everyone who follows you. Only follow back the people that you feel can give you value. Twitter is all about conversations. Twitter is all about resource sharing. You should get as many numbers as you […]
Some of you may have been charting the path of a project that is near and dear to my heart over the last 4 or 5 years: a independent feature film called The Beast of Bottomless Lake. When Kennedy and […]
There has been much buzz over the last few weeks about all the changes that Facebook has been making. If you do not yet have a page for your business, there’s no time like the present–Facebook contiues to make changes […]
Ironically, after my last post about how I think original content is really important, today’s post is a repost of someone else’s blog post. I participated in a panel discussion last week at the Women In Film and Televison’s sixth […]
So, I’ve been blogging for about three years, now. And I’m pretty committed to it. Three posts a week, rain or shine. Sometimes I take some time off, for a vacation, but most of the time, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, here […]
Mark Zuckerberg and his team of ninjas over at Facebook have been so busy lately, I wonder when they sleep. First, they did a major overhaul of our personal profiles, and a few months later, made the same changes to […]