Making the Time

If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!Iremember reading something a while back, I think by Seth Godin, about Time. We are living in a world, where, for the most part, we […]

3 Tips to Find the Best Keywords for Your Blog Posts Using Google Keyword Tool

This week’s last post on Google and SEO is a second guest-post by Alex Papa. His follow-up to Monday’s post outlines how to find your best keywords for Search Engine Optimization.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be frustrating, particularly for bloggers who are only interested in providing great content to readers. The internet is filled with systems, tools and the supposed ‘secrets’, all promising to help move your site to the top of search results. Distinguishing between proper and nonsense advice is complicated for the beginner and intermediate webmaster equally.