How do you thank your clients?

As the year winds down, I am finding myself embroiled in Excel spreadsheets of names and addresses. It’s that time of the year–to say thanks to your clients.dsc00071

I struggled a lot with what my Christmas/end of the year communique was going to look like this year. Last year, when I was just launching my business, I wanted to send something out that could also work as a marketing touchpoint. Not a sales pitch, just a reminder of my existence.

This year is different. I feel like I have had a pretty successful first year in business, and I feel equally proud of my work, and grateful to those who gave me business this year. So, it’s time to say thanks…

There’s a variety of different ways to go about this, but I’d encourage you to take a more old-fashioned approach. E-cards are all the rage, and anyone who knows me knows that I would rather send an email than do anything else, but even I am sending snail-mail cards this year. Each card will have a hand-written, individualized comment for the ‘personal touch.’ I am planning on sending one to anyone with whom I did business this year.

There will also be a little something in each card. For me, it was important to send more than ‘just a card’, but my level of success is not so wild yet, that I am able to afford those branded flash drives I have been drooling over (and now I have a logo to go on them!). I considered branded Post-it Notes, but they only came in quantities of 500, which means I’d be giving away Post-It Notes to people on the bus for the forseeable future, so I nixed that one.

There are a vast array of cool products that you can get with your logo on. Check out Imago Marketing. It’s like  a candy shop.

As for me… well, you’ll just have to wait to get your card in the mail…

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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