April Workshops

For some, April showers bring May flowers. For me, it brings four (yipes!) workshops:

Social media for Visual Artists (with Kris Krug)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
4:00pm – 5:00pm
Diane Farris Gallery
1590 W 7th Street

Attention: This event is free of charge and limited to 35 people.
Please RSVP by email to [email protected] or by phone (604)737-2629 with Stacey.

Social Media and Web 2.0 is the newest and most exciting way to market your art work. But the choices are dazzling: Blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr–what’s best for you, and where do you start?

Kris Krug and Rebecca Coleman will introduce you to the new and exciting world of Social Media Marketing. This one-hour workshop will include:

* The theory behind social media and how it works
* A brief introduction to each of the main social media platforms, with examples of how you can use them for marketing your work
* A Q & A period, where Kris and Rebecca will address specific concerns from the audience.

Social Media for Artists
April 17, 1:30-4:30 pm
Richmond Cultural Centre
Art at Work is Richmond’s second annual arts symposium, a full day of professional development workshops and talks for members of the local arts and culture community.

More information

Demystifying Social Media (with Simon Ogden)

April 27
9:30-12:30 (Part 1)
1:30-4:30 (Part 2)
Alliance For Arts and Culture, 938 Howe St
$50 each for members, $75 for non-members

The marketing game has changed. The internet’s offer of instant global communication has given us a new tool kit to reach our customers. To succeed in this new arena you first have to understand its language.

There’s no point in learning how to pull the levers until you know why   you’re standing at the controls. In this morning session (to be followed by an advanced afternoon workshop with separate registration) the facilitators will discuss the paradigm shift in marketing from its traditional forms to the social internet. They will talk about what it means to join a social network, the etiquette required and how to choose the platforms that are right for you.

The facilitators have been using social media platforms such as Blogs, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube with measurable success for several years now, and will pass on the lessons they’ve learned. And they’ll examine the art of communicating and building relationships within this compelling new world.

More information

Teleclass: Can Artists Be Friends With Money? (with Shell Tain)
Tuesday, May 4th (yes, I know, it’s technically in May–but its very close to April 🙂 )
10:15am to 11:15 p.m. Pacific (1:15 p.m. to 2:15 p.m. Eastern)
Registration: at www.sensiblecoaching.com
Fee: FREE…your only cost for this teleclass is your regular long distance call charges.

As creatives, you just want to be creative!  You are passionate about your art, and you want to spend all of your time doing that.  You do not want to spend time thinking about how to pay the rent, how to market yourself, and how to create more income.  If you want to survive, thrive, and even prosper as an artist, you need to get clear about your relationship with money.
§        Does it feel like money is some mysterious thing that no one ever really explained to you?
§        Do you sometimes wish that you never had to think about money again?
§        Does crunching numbers sound about as fun as a root canal?
Money coach, Shell Tain will be with us to point out the money related road blocks that keep us stuck in the mindset of being starving artists.  Shell has a no-number-crunching approach to money that helps us see it in new ways.  You’ll leave this call with some new perspectives and ideas about you, money and about your relationship with it.
Together, these two will lead you towards untangling some of the money thinking that keeps road blocking you on your way to being both a creative and a prosperous artist.

The teleclass format is interactive.   When you register, you will receive a phone number and a PIN.  All you need to do is call the phone number at the time of the call.  When directed, punch in the PIN number and you will be on a conference type call with the other participants.  It’s that easy.

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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