Building your website in WordPress Part 2

I recently wrote a post about how to use to create a website or a blog (or a website with a blog) for yourself. Using is a great way to build a basic website, but if you want to build a really great website with lots of room for customization, you should use the blogging software. It’s more technically complicated, in that you need to have your own domain name and hosting, but it offers much more freedom and customizable features than The software is free–all it will cost you is the price of buying a domain name and hosting.

Using the WordPress blogging software offers a lot of advantages:

  • There are almost countless themes to choose from
  • There are almost countless widgets to choose from
  • The site address will be whatever your domain name is, with no “WordPress” in the address
  • With a bit of technical knowledge, you can customize the page to your heart’s content

Here’s what you need to get started:

  1. Register your domain name
  2. Make sure that your internet service provider, or wherever you park your website, is SQL enabled. I buy my domains from Doteasy, and included in the price of my domain, is free hosting. It costs me an extra $7 a month to have my site be SQL enabled.
  3. Go to and download the latest version of the blogging software and unzip the file.
  4. The next part is a bit tricky, because it depends upon who your hosting provider is. Basically, you have to FTP the files to your server. There art lots of free FTP clients out there–I use Cyberduck for Mac. Click here for the WordPress tutorial. If you get lost on this step, phone your hosting service–mine actually installed it for me.
  5. You should now be able to go to and log into your site using the username (probably admin) and password which you created.

You’ll notice that the dashboard looks pretty much the same as the dashboard.

Your default theme will be plain, with a blue header. You’ll want to change it to another theme, and customize it. You have a few options:

  1. Do a Google search for “wordpress free themes” and you’ll get dozens of hits. Browse through and find a few that you like and download. I like this one. After you download and unzip it, you need to FTP the theme to the wp-content/themes/folder. Finally, in your dashboard, go into Appearance–>Themes  and activate your theme.
  2. Purchase a theme like Thesis (which is universally thought to be the most customizable of all the WP themes, and is used by all the heavy-hitters).
  3. Hire a designer to create a custom theme for you. Check out the Babz Chula Lifeline for Artists Society site, or the Presentation House Theatre site, both custom designs. Or, hire a designer to modify an already-existing theme, like I am planning on doing this summer.

The Presentation House Theatre Website was built using WordPress by the students at the Interactive Design program at Cap U

Now that you have your site up and running, you can start to populate it.

  1. Create pages and add copy and graphics. For example, on my website, I have Services, Clients, About, Testimonials, and Resources. Don’t forget to put your contact information on there, as well, in the footer, the sidebar, or create a Contact page.
  2. Create a header using a program like Photoshop, or Gimp or It needs to be 780X200 pixels. You can upload it under Appearance–>Custom Header.
  3. Don’t forget to put your social media contact information in the sidebar. You can even import your Twitter feed into the sidebar. Simply go to Plugins–>Add new and do a search for “Twitter.” This will walk you through the process to install a widget which will import your Twitter feed into your sidebar.

Certainly, some of this can be very technically overwhelming, but the joy of WordPress is that the interface is so simple to use. If you get really lost, or you feel like it’s technically over your head, then think about hiring someone to build the site for you in WordPress, and all you have to do is write the copy and post it.

Good luck!

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

Comments 10

  1. I learned all this stuff through a 10 minute tutorial & by calling my cousin at 11:30 pm and he guided me through the setup of WordPress. The next morning I Googled themes and it was all fun thereafter.

  2. I still think Blogger is easier to use, but since they no longer allow hosting and I want to grow my iste, I’ve got to use WP-the customization is simply not as easy the folks who like word press better are usually techie types or folks who dont’ change template at all then its no problem. I’m an artist by training and love to be able to tweak every little thing, but dont have the tech background, I found it easier to adjust various Blogger blogs the backend is clearer for a non techie.

  3. Even simpler solution, and puts your site on a host server on Canadian soil (something some folks like me prefer) is to use a hosting service such as CanadianWebHosting or SuperWebHost (both local Vancouver-area companies I have used for several years). Their packages are VERY reasonable, are SQL-enabled and use a CPanel interface that makes installing WordPress and other open source software a one- or two-click process.

    Once installed, WP guides you pretty intuitively through the setup (and maintenance) of your site. And uninstall through CPanel is just as easy.

    The CPanel interface allows you to add email accounts, group lists, backup your data – even online file storage and so on, and is not terribly technical, using visual windows with clickable icons. Includes video tutorials and tech support is through chat or phone. Cost is minimal, and upkeep of the site is easy if you start slow. I pay about $7 month for everything, so yes, this is a pitch for local businesses, although they don’t know about it.

    Themes and plugins can be tried and deleted at will until you find something that works and you understand completely. I find the advice at (whose focus is helping nonprofits with their social media and internet stuff) speaks to most of our questions at a level very appropriate to the self-taught social activist or artist.

    And even if you stay with, you can pay them a little bit to remove the .wordpress. part of your blog’s URL – once you have purchased a domain name they can use (cheap and simple to do).

    Keep it simple and you will have the energy and free time to work on the content and connecting people to it, which is the most important part of doing this, anyway!

    Thanks to Rebecca for providing a forum for this.

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