Party for Piper

I don’t often use my blog as a platform for causes, but occasionally, when there a is a cause very close to my heart, I will.

I met Kelly-Ruth Mercier last fall, when she was directing Lobby Hero, which I did the publicity for. It’s actually ironic that we’d never met before, because we are both from back east.

In February, we were all tickled to hear that K-Roo and her partner, David Richmond-Peck, adopted a baby girl. Everything was fine for the first few weeks, but then Piper got sick, and subsequently spent weeks in the hospital. I went down there one day to visit them and bring them some non-hospital food, and was charmed by the lovely Piper.

I left the hospital feeling very, very lucky. I gave my healthy son a big hug, and then I sent an email to the members of The Babz Chula Lifeline for Artists Society, of which I have been a member for the past two years.

The society was originally started by Ben Ratner and bunch of Babz’ friends to help out with her Cancer treatment. We fundraised on her behalf so she could have access to care not paid for or covered by MSP, because Babz was a self-employed artist.

When Babz died just over a year ago, it took the wind out of our sails. We had some meetings, but there was never a clear, new direction for the society. So, because it’s been hard for the new parents to work while their daughter has been in the hospital, we decided to throw them a fundraiser. We believe Babz would approve.

If you can, please come down tonight to Studio 700 at the CBC (700 Hamilton St). The fundraiser starts at 8 and goes to midnight. Here’s the lineup:

  • Emceed by actor/comedienne ELLIE HARVIE, the evening includes:
  • Eclectic cabaret/Folk by: ERIN AUBREY,Jazz/Comedy stylings of: AMBER-KELLY MACKERETH & THE 3rd Hit, and
  • Blues/Rock from:NO SINNER (featuring vocalist Colleen Rennison)

We’ll also have great door prizes and raffle items, like a Headshot Photography session by Wendy D Photo, two big bags of cookbooks and kitchen items from The Shopping Bags, and a huge gift basket from Nature’s Path.

Admission will be by donation at the door, a minimum suggested donation of $10, but all proceeds go to K-Roo and DRP. If you cannot attend the fundraiser, but would like to donate, you may do so through the Society’s website:

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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