NFPs Fundraising through Pinterest and Facebook

One trend I’m noticing these days in social media is using your social media superpowers for good. Normally, most NFPs or Charities solicit donations. This new trend has the NFP partner with a corporation, and use social media to “virtually” fundraise.

Here’s a couple of examples:

Here’s a recent Facebook campaign: every new “Like” for Aviva Community Fund meant a $1 donation to the Canadian Cancer Society. Aviva is taking this one step further, now, and getting people to nominate and vote for campaigns they want to see funded.

A similar campaign, only using Pinterest instead of Facebook.

Publisher’s Clearing House is currently running a Facebook campaign. You “like” their page, then you get to vote to see how three charity organizations will divide up $100,000. The end result is entirely user-driven.

Why is this a great idea? Because it allows us to do something we were planning on doing anyway (being on FB, or Pinning), and for a tiny bit of extra effort, create some good in the world. It’s a win-win.

Have you seen any other charities using this method for fundraising?



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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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