Content Curation Strategy [Infographic]

I have buckets full of respect for folks who do nothing but create original content on all their feeds. But it is an immense amount of work to be creating original content every day, so most people will fill in the gaps between their original content with curated content.

Curation is valuable because it takes you time to comb through many blog posts, tweets, new sources, etc to pull out the ones that you think will be of most interest to your audience. You are, in a way, performing a valuable service for them, and saving them loads of time by doing it.

Content curation is a great way to create extra value on all your feeds.

Still, it’s a bit tricky. You don’t want to share content from your direct competitors, and it’s not advisable to share content that is off-brand.

  • The first step to good content curation is to find good sources of content that are in line with your brand. For The Wellness Show’s feeds, I subscribe to blogs like Mind Body Green and healthy recipe blogs. I can then scroll through their content and pull out articles that I know will appeal to my audience.
  • One really important piece of doing content creation well is to make sure you put your own stamp on it. Never share a piece of content without commentary. Add your own little comment or ask a question, add to the conversation.
  • Also, make sure you are attributing the content to its original source by linking back to it in some way.

And now, here’s today’s infographic on Content Curation Strategy:

content curation strategy infographic
Infographic courtesy of


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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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