Fall Workshop Schedule

I have one word for my fall, and that word is BUSY!

I’m cutting way back on my publicity work, partly because my teaching and workshop schedule is very, very full. Here’s a look at my fall schedule. I’ll note which courses and workshops are open to the public in case you want to attend.

Social Media for Small Business

Seems like no matter how long people give me for a workshop, there’s never enough time. I love teaching this course because it’s 12 weeks and it really allows me to get deep into social media. The Tuesday night class is full, full, full, but there are still a couple of spots on Monday morning (!).

Mondays, 9 am-12pm
Sept 12-Dec5
Tuesday nights, 5:30-8:30
Sept 13-Nov 29
Facebook. Twitter. Blogs. YouTube. Flickr. Everyone is buzzing about how these free social networking sites can be powerful marketing tools for your small business. But where do you start? What’s the right approach for you? In this course you will delve into the major Internet-based social media, the technology, interface and etiquette. The focus will be on learning to use social media as a marketing tool to establish and maintain your small business’ online presence. At the end of the course you will have designed a social media marketing campaign, presented it and have it ready to implement for your small business.

Management and Social Media for Artists
EastSide Culture Crawl Offices
1000 Parker St
Sept 15 & 21, 7-8:30 pm

Lili Vieira De Carvalho and I co-present this workshop for visual artists. Our first one sold out within 24 hours, and the second one is now also sold out.

Social Media Marketing: Strategies & Tools for Mom Entrepreneurs
Presented by Enterprising Mom’s Network
The Wired Monk: #160 – 5620 152nd Street. Surrey, BC
Sept 22, 7-9 pm

You don’t have to be a mom to attend this meeting, but you do need to be a woman entrepreneur. You can attend the first meeting for free.

Finding Your Social Medium
Sundays,1:30-4:30 pm
Sept 25-Nov 5

Facebook. Twitter. Blogs. YouTube. Flickr. Everyone is buzzing about how these free social networking sites can be powerful marketing tools for your artwork. But where do you start? What’s the right approach? At the conclusion of this course, you will have created and begun to implement a social media marketing program. We will cover the philosophy behind social media, the technology, interface and etiquette. Each week, we will delve into one of the major social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Photosharing, YouTube), and students will use a hands-on approach to creating and developing their online presence.

Social Media Enthusiast Panel Session: Practical Advice on Hot Topics, Trends and Best Practices
Social Media for Government
Sept 28, 1:35-2:15 pm
Victoria, BC

I’ll be sitting on this panel with @raincoaster, @gillianshaw and @hootsuitedave. Fun!

Women of Substance
October 26

A group of women entrepreneurs.

Marketing and Social Media for Artists
November 12, 1 – 4 pm
Burnaby Art Gallery

Looking to make a good first impression online? Led by Rebecca Coleman, a freelance theatre publicist for over 10 years, this workshop offers resources and skills in self-promotion and marketing through a fun, hands-on exploration of social media tools.   Whether selling work, approaching galleries, or increasing an audience, this workshop helps artists develop a strategic approach to marketing.

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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