Ello! First Impressions
If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!Well, I haven’t seen this kind of hype in three years. Three years ago, Google announced it was launching a new social network: G+. The […]
If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!Well, I haven’t seen this kind of hype in three years. Three years ago, Google announced it was launching a new social network: G+. The […]
I‘m starting a new series! I like to write my Friday posts as a series, because it gives me a focus, and I know exactly what I’m going to publish every week. This new series is going to focus around […]
Ah, Facebook. Love it or hate it, it’s still the macdaddy of social media. If you’re struggling with getting views on your page due to Facebook’s algorithm, the answer is to put effort into increasing your engagement. Well, actually, Facebook […]
A while back, Facebook introduced a new “save” or bookmarking feature. I’ve been playing around with it, and it kind of rocks. It sort of kills me to admit it when Facebook does something right, but with this, they did! […]
I read a couple of interesting articles this week, and I’d like to share them with you. First, there’s this one from Brad Blackman called Write Blog Posts Faster with a Template or a Checklist. In it, Brad simply lists […]
This is it! The end! The very last post in this series on SEO for Bloggers. Today, I want to tackle something that I think is really important: writing for robots. SEO is, simply put, a formula. As we’ve learned […]
I‘m gearing up for classes to start in one week! It’s been a super fun summer, with lots of travel and fun (you can read about it here), but now fall’s here and it’s time to buckle down and get […]
We return this week with our penultimate post in the #SEO4Bloggers series. This week, I’m going to look at how purchasing Google Adwords can help to drive traffic to your blog. Seems legit, right?? You pay Google, they make traffic […]
Analytics. It’s what makes us smarter, better at what we do. Analytics helps us to learn what works, and what doesn’t work. Often, however, when a new social network starts up, building in analytics is the last thing on their mind. […]
Sometimes, you really have to wonder what’s going on inside Google’s head. First of all, they axed the immensely popular RSS feed reader, Google Reader, to much protest from everyone in the blogosphere. Then, they continue to pour resources into […]