Infographic: Social Job Search
If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!Here’s a little something you may or may not know about me (depending on how long you’ve known me for): I spent a chunk of […]
If you’re new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. Thanks for visiting!Here’s a little something you may or may not know about me (depending on how long you’ve known me for): I spent a chunk of […]
One of my (probably way too many!) volunteer positions is that I organize a thrice-yearly meeting of all of the arts marketing folks in the lower mainland. This happens via The Alliance for Arts and Culture. A couple weeks back, […]
So, I got this email the other day: I’d like to advertise on your website for our site. It wouldn’t be anything obtrusive. I’d like to get either a mention & link in a post or a link on […]
Guest Post by Cyndi Laurenti. Google has launched Google+ Pages which brings a new dynamic to the web for internet users. Google+ Pages is free, allows easy creation of visually appealing web pages, and doesn’t require downloading any programs to […]
Well, I don’t know about y’all, but I was NOT happy when I discovered, during the last major Facebook update, that they removed my ability to choose either “Top Posts” or “Most Recent.” You see, you basically had two ways […]
I left my WordPress-hosted blog just over a year ago, for the beautifully-designed layout you see before you today (thanks, Janet Baxter!). If you aren’t familiar with WordPress, it’s a web-based blogging engine, and when you get a WordPress blog, […]
What I’m about to say next will probably not shock, or come as a surprise to you: Social Media moves fast. Over the last couple of years, I have discovered more breaking news through my Twitter or Facebook streams than […]
It’s been an interesting week in Social Media. I love looking at case studies, and today I have two for you. ChapStick Chapstick recently launched a new ad campaign. It’s a photo of a woman’s butt (wearing jeans) as she […]
When Google launched its social network, Google+, in late June, the only accounts available were personal ones. G+ promised us that pages for business (think about the difference between your personal FB profile and your business page) were in the […]
One more. Just one more post about the new Facebook changes, and then I’ll give it a rest for while, I promise. One thing I love about Google+ is how easy they make it for you to thematically link your […]