What’s New, Bex?

Guys, so glad you asked. A very exciting fall is shaping up! And I need your help!

First off, I’m loving being back in school, and it’s super fun to be teaching a course online for the first time. If you want to take a course with me, you can still sign up for the 8-week Emily Carr Course that starts mid-Oct. I got an email today from a past student who said that the course “exceeded his expectations.” That’s what I like to hear!

If 8 Monday nights are too much of a commitment for you, I’m also doing a raft of workshops this fall. I’m doing a couple for The EastSide Culture Crawl (they sold out last year), one for the Burnaby Art Gallery, and one for Social Media DayCamp. More information on all of these is available on my Current Projects page.

Okay, so that’s my fall. Busy. But, I have some other stuff cooking, too, and this is where I need your help.

I am becoming more deeply interested all the time in using Social Media for Social Good: or how Social Media can help Not-for-Profit organizations and Charities to raise their brand profile and even fundraise. I’m working on a series of blog posts about this that I’ll be rolling out over the next little while.

I’m also interested in looking at how businesses, artists and NFPs are using new social media tools like Instagram and Pinterest, and there will be a bunch of blog posts coming your way about those as well.

But I’d also like to hear what you’re struggling with. If I can help you out in way, I’d really love to do that. So, either in the comments section below, or in a private email, write me back and answer for me, if you will:

What do you feel like you could use the most help with in your Social Media Marketing?

  • organizing a strategy/plan to help you make the most of the little time you have
  • learning to use basic social media marketing tools like Facebook pages, Twitter, E-Newsletters, Blogs and YouTube
  • learning advanced social media marketing strategies on the above tools
  • learning how to use the newer, up-and-coming social media marketing tools like Instagram and PInterest
  • …or is there something else here that I haven’t listed?

For those of you that reply, I’ll put your name into a draw for a copy of my book and 1/2 hour consult–that’s worth $70, dontchaknow??

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

Comments 1

  1. Definitely the first one. I’d love help with that. There is SO much information out there, and I have SO little time to sort through it.

    I’d love a concise “what do I need to know to develop and promote by blog(s)” with annual updates on the inevitable changes that occur.

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