Bloggers for Boobies

For those of you that know me well, you’ll know that Cancer has had a pretty profound affect on my life. Four years ago, I lost my mom to Colon and Liver cancer. I can honestly say that it is the hardest thing I ever had to go through.

Then, just a couple of years ago, my dear friend, local actor and all-around-loved-by everyone-amazing-person, Babz Chula, also lost her 10-year battle with three different types of cancer, including Breast Cancer.

I have a young son. I don’t want to get all dark here, but as someone who has a history of cancer in her family (in addition to my mom, both my grandmother and aunt had it), it’s important to me that I’m around for a while to take care of him. To see him grow up and graduate and start a career and maybe get married and have babies of his own.

So, I’m doing my part–taking care of myself, doing yoga, getting mammograms. But we still need to find a way so that no more kids lose their moms to cancer. We need to find a cure so that moms everywhere get to hug their kids well into old age.

So, Michael and I have joined the Bloggers for Boobies team (also see this post on Miss 604) in the  CIBC Run for the Cure, which raises money for the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation. It takes place on September 30, and we’ll be participating in the 1 K walk, along with a bunch of other bloggers from Vancouver.

My fundraising goal is $300 $500.

Also, if you know me well, you know I love to cook. So, just to sweeten the pot, anyone who donates over $20 will get their name put into a draw. For the winner, I will cook an amazing meal and deliver it to you–whatever you like!

Please donate. Let’s eradicate cancer.

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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