This is a blog. Duh. Right?
Blogs, are, by their very definition, “web logs,” or like a kind of on-line diary. Usually written in the first person, and often they’re personal. Mine, not so much. I’m one of those weird people that doesn’t really believe that my life is that interesting, or that my insights are all that, well…. insightful.
So I tend to be an information blogger. You wanna know what new wrench Facebook is gonna throw in your gears? I’m your girl. Wanna talk about contests on Instagram? So, so there.
But my personal thoughts? You’ll not often find that stuff on this page. Maybe I’m doing myself a disservice, I don’t know. But for whatever reason, I feel shy about going there.
There is this, though: passion.
I am deeply passionate about what I do. During the last week or so, I’ve started to wrap up many of my Fall semester classes. And, it’s embarrassing to admit, but my students love me. I have heard a lot of “you’re my favorite instructor…. ever!” and “this is my favorite course that I’ve taken at BCIT.”

I taught a workshop a couple weekends ago, and one of the participants emailed me this:
I’m so appreciative of you allowing me to read your book. I need all the help I can get. It seems your class at Burnaby Art Gallery has been life altering for me as I did not realize what was out there in the world; what was possible; and what I needed to do. Thanks for that.
Yesterday, at the Art of Marketing Conference (my head’s still swimming, by the way, I’ll write something soon, but I’m still processing), Scott Stratton said this:
Passion + Knowledge = Profit
I am deeply passionate about social media, about empowering people to use it to promote their not-for-profit, their art practice, or their small business. I love teaching. I love being in front of a group of people, and seeing light bulbs go on over their heads. It’s the best thing ever.
So it’s nice to be acknowledged for that from my students. It’s also turning into more opportunities for me. We are about to announce a series of workshops at BCIT next year, and I just booked a writing retreat with my friend Paul for later in the month to write a second edition of my Guide to Getting Started for Artists and Arts Organizations. I’m working on an online course for NFP and Charity organizations. Watch this space.
It actually makes me feel quite humbled and grateful. I get to be on the cutting edge, and I get to interact with and meet cool people every day. I get paid to do something I love. We should all be so lucky.
You’re a great instructor – in person and online. The blog is still the first place I look when I need to figure out something social media related!