How to Repurpose your Blog Content #Infographic

I‘ve been blogging for a while, now, and sometimes I have these moments, where, after 800 or so blog posts, I ask myself “have I written that one yet?” What follows is a search, and sometimes I have, and sometimes I haven’t…

Another thing that sometimes happens is I start to feel a bit burnt out. Uninspired. Out of ideas. I have some option in place or times like this, thank goodness.

One such option is to recycle an old post. Often, in the past, I’ve had posts that I’ve written which time has affected change upon. Let’s take this post for example, written in 2012: How to Schedule and Back-Date Facebook Posts. Facebook recently changed this procedure, so I should take that post, and re-write it, updating it with the new information.

You have to be careful about simply recycling (meaning, duplicating content) old posts and re-publishing them. It can really muck up your SEO. So, here are some other alternatives when it comes to recycling.

One of my favourites is to create a round-up post. This is where you write a short intro, then include links to posts that are related to a theme. Have a look at what I did here for Pumpkin recipes on my cooking blog.

I also recycle evergreen content every week, primarily through my Twitter feed, but also sometimes through my Facebook page. Evergreen content refers to blog posts that are not out-of-date, even if you wrote them quite some time ago.

Finally, everyone loves a infographic, right?? (I mean, you’re here, and all…) Can you turn your blog post into an infographic? We love them because they are so easy to understand. Well, if they’re done right! Here are some free resources to help you to create your own infographic.


Infographic courtesy of Webhosting Secret Revealed

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Rebecca Coleman

Social Media Marketing Strategist, Blogger, Author, Teacher, Trainer. Passionate foodie, mom to Michael, fueled by Americanos. I love my bike. Soon-to-be cookbook author. Localvore with a wanderlust.

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