
You know what a big nerd I am. So when I heard that a local theatre company was using IPods to create PodPlays, I was intrigued. So I sat down with Adrienne Wong, Artistic Producer of NewWorld Theatre, who explained […]

Top Posts of 2010

I like to do these wrap-up, look back, year-in-review type posts every year. So, without further ado, the top posts of 2010! 8: My Website Makeover 7: How to promote your theatre season on a shoestring budget 6: Using a […]

Top Posts: Facebook

Here’s a bunch of my most popular posts on Facebook: You took the plunge! You got a Facebook fan page! Now you are responsible for updating it and making sure there is new information there all the time. Yikes! This […]

Top Posts: YouTube and Video

Here are links to my most popular blog posts dealing with YouTube and the Flip Cam. Video Ideas to promote your business Creating a YouTube Video to highlight your work (no video camera required) A series on the Flip Cam: […]

Top Posts: Twitter

What the Tweet??! A Rookie’s Guide to Twitter: My first post on the topic, an interview with Trilby Jeeves. Free Beginner’s Guide to Twitter: I just love this guide by Dave Charest, and I recommend it to every new Twitterer. […]

Happy Holidays!

It’s been an amazing year. Thanks for reading, commenting, and asking questions. Hope you have a wonderful, restful holiday with your family and friends, and lots of cookies! Love and best wishes from Rebecca and Michael See you in 2011!

Focus with Action

The second of two guest posts focused on the power of accountability, today Carey Earle talks about how having an accountability partner has helped her to succeed. My husband likes to joke that I have “completion issues.”  In my case, […]